Smoking Cessation through Hypnotherapy - in Friern Barnet
If you live or work in Friern Barnet and want to stop smoking then consider coming to the Stop Smoking Clinic at Mill Hill.
Imagine a life as a non-smoker...
- Better health and a longer life
- More freedom
- More money!
- More energy and confidence
- No more worries about what you are doing to your body!
- Younger looking skin
- You will smell great (at last!)
'Hypnosis is the most effective way of giving up smoking"
- New Scientist ( vol 136).
In 1992 New Scientist Magazine published the results of an extensive clinical study on the most effective smoking cessation methods. A meta-analysis, statistically combining the results of more than 600 studies (over 72,000 individual cases) showed that single session hypnosis increased a smoker's success chance by 1000% from 6% to 60%.
Contrary to many claims from hypnotherapists stopping smoking with hypnosis does require some will-power. However it is proven that with hypnotherapy you are at least five to fifteen times more likely to succeed than by willpower alone!
When you smoke your heart rate increases and your whole nervous system is stimulated into greater agitation. A cigarette gives you a two minute fix of dopamine (brain chemical that feels good) combined with 48 hours of an agitated nervous system. You keep going back for that good feeling to counteract the agitation.... only to increase the agitation. Cigarettes hold out a promise of relaxation that they NEVER deliver!
Time to be free of smoking?
In these Smoking Cessation Sessions we utilise the most effective methods available to ensure you get the best chance to quit you will ever receive. We don't simpy use a standard approach for all we use a whole range of techniques to create a unique, customised treatment session for you.

"Cultivate only the habits that you are willing should master you." - Elbert Hubbert
"A happy person is not a person in a certain set of circumstances, but rather
a person with a certain
set of attitudes."
- Hugh Downs