Smoking Cessation through Hypnotherapy - in Barnet
If you live or work in Barnet and want to stop smoking then consider coming to the Stop Smoking Clinic at Mill Hill.
'Hypnosis is the most effective way of giving up smoking"
- New Scientist ( vol 136)
Hypnotherapy is proven to be the most effective way to give up smoking.
Contrary to many claims from hypnotherapists it does require some will-power and motivation. However it is proven that with hypnotherapy you are at least five to fifteen times more likely to succeed than by willpower alone.
Imagine a life as a non-smoker...
- Better health and a longer life
- More freedom (and more money!)
- More energy and confidence
- No more worries about what you are doing to your body!
- Increased libido!
- Younger looking skin
- More in control of your life (more professional and social opportunities too!)
- You will smell great (at last!)
- Your body clear of poisonous toxins like nicotine
Tired of being "controlled" by smoking?
In these Stop Smoking Sessions we use the most powerful techniques available to ensure you get the best chance to quit you will ever receive. We don't take a cookie-cutter approach that relies on one technique. Instead we use a whole range of techniques to create a unique treatment session for you.
These methods are individually proven in research studies to be the most effective ways to stop smoking and are broadly based on Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) and Clinical Hypnotherapy. Each technique on it’s own could be 100% effective for you—however as one can never tell exactly which approach will “click” with a client we use several techniques in a powerful combination.
"But I've tried to stop so many times!"
No problem. In fact there is good evidence to show that the number of failed attempts to stop smoking is a good predictor of final success.

Mark Davis
Dip. Hyp., BSc (Psy. & Phil), GHR (Reg), GHQP
Cognitive Hypnotherapist
Meditation Instructor
"Cultivate only the habits that you are willing should master you." - Elbert Hubbert
"You leave old habits behind by starting out with the thought 'I release the need for this in my life' ". - Wayne Dyer
Mill Hill Stop Smoking Clinic (near Barnet)
25 Daws Lane, Mill Hill
London NW7 4SD

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