Mark has a diploma in Cognitive Hypnotherapy (Dip. Hyp.) and is a Registered Hypnotherapist with the General Hypnotherapy Registry and the National Council of Hypnotherapy.
He has specific training in Hypno-CBT - the combined use of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy with Hypnotherapy. He has a dual honors degree in Psychology and Philosophy from Sheffield University and has trained specifically in Smoking Cessation. Mark is meditation instructor and has been teaching meditation since 1990. In addition Mark teaches yoga philosophy in Anusara Yoga Teacher Training and lectures on Spiritual Leadership at Warwick University.
Mark gained broad practical experience as a senior executive and business director within both charitable and commercial organisations. (good people managers are all great therapists at heart!)
Mark began his journey into the power of the mind and human potential when he read a book at the age of 16 that stated we could live in a state of permanent peak experience and happiness. His journey took him through the human potential movement, Zen Buddhism, Silva Mind Control, Existentialism, an honors degree in Psychology & Philosophy and then a powerful spiritual awakening.
In the late 1980's and early 1990's Mark spent five years in India studying and practicing yoga, meditation and Indian philosophy under the guidance of a renowned meditation master and spiritual teacher. He delved deep into the tantric philosophy behind yoga and meditation - gaining fundamental insight into how mind, body and consciousness itself operate.
Mark now brings this background of 20 years meditation practice and deep insight into the mind to a modern therapeutic application of the best techniques of hypnotherapy.
Mark’s unique ability to blend the wisdom of yoga with modern psychotherapeutic methods enables him to give his clients powerful tools and the inner inspiration to change their lives.
Appointments & Clinics
Appointments can be made at: 0800 8600 698. Mark welcomes questions and enquiries by e-mail:
Mark has the following clinics:
Wimpole Street Clinic
Wimpole Therapeutics
2 Wimpole St
London W1
0207 491 7767
Therapies for Life
Daws Lane
Mill Hill
0800 8600 698
Call now on 0800 8600 698
Or contact Mark by email here:

Why 'Inspired' Hypnosis?
"Most of my life has been a journey to understand the power of the mind and the nature of the human condition.
That journey has led me around the world and deep into the practices of yoga meditation. With 20 years of practice and insight into meditation and yoga – and how to work with the mind – I hope I bring a certain inspiration (inspire = to fill with spirit) to the very powerful discipline of hypnotherapy – which all too often has become reduced to psycho-technical terminology and, frankly, some slick marketing.
I don't approach approach transformation as a set of techniques to be applied to a piece of mechanics, or the very popular idea that you are a computer that needs to be reprogrammed. It is my experience that we are so much more than computers and software – and that the Heart, indeed the Soul, must be involved in everything we do if are to experience real success.
I have a deep faith, indeed it is my experience, that each person is wonderfully unique, a perfect expression – and has unfathomable potential. The fundamental background to all my work is honouring the unique wonder and greatness of each individual and knowing. My aim is to draw that inner greatness out into conscious awareness and let it inspire your thought and action." - Mark Davis